Snow for Windows User Guide

To start Snow for Windows double-click the icon: 

When you start Snow for Windows a little icon is added to the task bar at the right bottom of your screen:


You can stop Snow for Windows by clicking the icon:  with the right mouse button.
A pop-up appears where you can click "Exit".

When you click the icon :  with the left mouse button you get the following window, where you can specify the settings:


The icons have the following meaning:
     The number of snowflakes.
     The "whirl" factor: how much snowflakes move from right to left and vice versa
     The number of pixels a snowflake moves right or left each time
     The number of pixels a snowflake falls each time
     How thick snow will build up on windows
     How thick snow will build up on the task bar
     The number of pixels Santa moves each time
     Switch snow on or off
     Santa or no Santa
     Wind or no wind
     Trees or no trees
     Snow on windows or not
     Snow on the task bar or not
     Santa blows with the wind (or not)
      Repaint snow: when you drag an icon from window to window, all snow will have melted,
            by pressing this button you can repaint your snow.

Select the Santa you want:

     When checked Rudolf has a red nose! (Only with registered copies.)

This controls how much computer time Snow for Windows may use:
50:    Snow for Windows runs every 50 milliseconds by default (that is 20 times per second). If you make the number smaller it will snow smoother, but Snow will use more CPU time. If you make the number larger the snow will fall jerkier, but uses less CPU. 
4:    The second number tells how often Santa moves. Make the number larger and Santa will move slower (less often). This setting does not affect CPU usage. 
30000:  The third number tells how often the wind blows. Make the number larger and the wind will blow less often, make it smaller and wind will blow more often. This setting does not affect CPU usage.
Save settings: saves the current settings. Next time you start Snow these settings will be used.
Restore settings: restores the settings as you saved them last time.
Factory settings: restores all settings to the default values.s

Register: after purchasing Snow for Windows via Kagi you receive a registration code, that you can enter after clicking the Register button. Click here for an example of registering Snow for Windows.

Try running Snow for Windows with a nice picture on the desktop, for example a picture with a forest or mountains with snow, or a Christmas scene!

Rick Jansen,